Knight of cups love
Knight of cups love

knight of cups love

The Knight of Cups is a call to follow your heart, act on your imagination, and move forward by trusting your feelings and intuition. When the Knight of Cups appears upright in a reading, it is a fairly positive card and often signals good news. The transition from Cups to Pentacles is made possible by accepting and obeying the call of love, and by allowing dreams to manifest through action. It can appear as a person, an event, or a part of yourself that has an artistic value. This card shows the creative side of feelings.

knight of cups love

Having no idea where he’s going, the Cup is guiding him through thick and thin. Sometimes he may not even choose a specific destination. He’s in no hurry, knowing that sooner or later he’ll manage to arrive at his destination, but to actually get there he has to act on his dreams and desires, lest they remain a daydream. He will often represent a romantic person in your life, or yourself if you’re ready to express your feelings. The Knight of Cups is a gentle, poetic soul. It is emotion and imagination motivated by action.

knight of cups love

The Knight of Cups represents the pursuit of love, creativity, and beauty. The Knight of Cups is generally a very positive card to receive. What does the Knight of Cups Tarot card mean?.In the background we can see a few trees and mountains, meaning that there are still some obstacles in his way, but he can find a way through knowing that life can thrive and blossom even in the most desolate lands. He’s completely focused on his goal, with almost spiritual devotion. The sky is clear a soft blue color meaning that the Knight has no worries nor negative thoughts in his mind. The Knight is heading towards a river, a pleasant sight to be found in a desert. He carries no weapon because he doesn’t need to force his way. His message is one of grace, love, and beauty. The wings on his helmet and boots make him a messenger. His shiny, silver armor is illustrated with fish and waves, representing the flow of life and emotional depth. The cup is his Holy Grail, his offering, and his quest for love, which is his ultimate truth. There’s a golden cup in the Knight’s right hand, while he’s subtly holding the reins of the horse with his left hand.

#Knight of cups love full

The horse seems to be moving slowly, though full of confidence. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the illustration on the card shows a young knight riding through the desert, mounted on a white mare, a symbol of purity, spirituality, and energy. The Knight of Cups is the final card in the suit of Cups, and it leads the transition from the inner world of emotions and memories to the suit of Pentacles, the realm of manifestation and incarnation. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Knight of cups love