Tesla vs lovecraft achievemnts guide
Tesla vs lovecraft achievemnts guide

tesla vs lovecraft achievemnts guide

The last gameplay mechanic to address is the mech suit and you start off with at the beginning of each level for a short amount of time. The randomized nature of perk, ability, and weapon drops keep things fresh, but this luck based system can either give you everything you need to succeed or make the battles feel hopeless if you get nothing effective to use.

tesla vs lovecraft achievemnts guide

This makes Tesla Vs Lovecraft much easier, even though it’s still possible to lose.

tesla vs lovecraft achievemnts guide

The epic perks are the most interesting though and are only offered once in a while, but they can easily make you overpowered, such as making your teleports unlimited or firing great orbs of electricity that disintegrate anything in their path. Poison bullets feel useless, while having an extra bullet with each shot is much more effective at taking down hordes of enemies. I’m glad there is a great amount of perks and abilities to choose from, however many can be much more powerful than others. There are also perks related to Tesla as well, such as being able to push back enemies with an electric blast or creating a poison field around him. You also get two perks to choose from as you level up, including piercing bullets, ricochet bullets, or poison bullets. While playing in the arena you gain experience which is used to level Tesla up and this only applies to one arena at a time. Some can even be taken as a joke, yet still effective like a 10 ton weight being summoned to drop on your opponents (a clever reference to the developer). Teleporting can also be used to dash over ledges or through some walls, which has its obvious advantages.ĭifferent abilities will also be able to aid you and can be melee, ranged or area-of-effect based. You are also able to teleport up to three times in succession which is a very important dodging mechanic to master. For example, you can have a normal firing shotgun, a gauss type of shotgun, or a repeater shotgun that can be equipped. Also, while there may not be many different types of weapons, there are three different categorizations of each type of gun. You start with a simple handgun, but other weapons appear in the level such as shotguns, energy weapons, and machine guns that you can wield against your ever encroaching enemies. Unlike the premise, the combat is not too original or meaty, but it does throw a large number of enemies at you with wave after wave looking to overrun your position. With Tesla Vs Lovecraft you play as Tesla who can get electric augmented weapons, including an awesome mech with two heavy mounted mini-guns. 10tons has done some nice work in the twin-stick shooter genre with their last game JYDGE essentially being a Robocop bullet-hell shooter. The theme is definitely interesting and does fit surprisingly well as a twin-stick shooter.

tesla vs lovecraft achievemnts guide

Thankfully, we have developer 10tons creating the fictional side of this battle with Tesla Vs Lovecraft, a twin-stick shooter with plenty of fantastical moments and shooting action for the Nintendo Switch. In fact, the two men battled against this very ideal in real life and now in the video game medium. Looking at Wikipedia will tell you that both Tesla and Lovecraft were once disgraced in their lifetime, but it wouldn’t be until later that they would be recognized for their crowning achievements in fact versus fiction. Lovecraft you most likely think of a world renown scientist/inventor and a famous author of influential horror fiction. Get ready to zap some monsters back into the Aether realm in this fast-paced Lovecraftian nightmare! Release Date: 16 th of March, 2018 ( EU & NA) By minusthebrant 10tons, eShop, Nintendo Switch, review, Tesla vs Lovecraft

Tesla vs lovecraft achievemnts guide